bunga lonceng bahasa Inggris
- bunga: blossom; flower; morator; flowers; bloom;
- lonceng: bel; bells (instrument); bell; watch; campana;
- lonceng: bel; bells (instrument); bell; watch; campana; ship’s bell; chime; bell shape; doorbell; clock; buzzer; gong; toll
- bunga: blossom; flower; morator; flowers; bloom; interest; lily; snatch; efflorescence; white waterlily; tread; floral; figure; waterlily; puss; usury; vigorish; cunt; peak; slit; dandelion; flowered; wate
- bengkeltuang-lonceng: bell foundry
- bunyi lonceng: stroke
- bunyikan lonceng: ring
- dentang lonceng: knell
- denting lonceng: peal
- jam lonceng: timepiece; clock; watch; chronoscope
- langkah lonceng: bell stroke
- lonceng alarm: alarm-bell
- lonceng angin: wind chime
- lonceng besar: grandfather clock
- lonceng cinta: kumkum bhagya
- This tattoo is made up for the back of women with bell flower.
Tato ini dibuat untuk bagian belakang wanita dengan bunga lonceng.